Cross platform, FLV/MP4 Streaming
IFDNRG can offer excellent flv/mp4 hosting facilities without the licencing expense associated with commercial flash server solutions such as Adobe Flash Communications Server.™
We offer both RTMP (real time media protocol) and Progressive HTTP streaming for Flash or MP4 video so whether you want the flexibility of a Flash Application server or universally accessible HTTP streaming we can handle it.
Live RTMP Flash Streaming
We can handle on demand or live rtmp/http flash streaming and our network is scalable to extremely high volumes.
Multi-codec support
We can handle a multitude of codecs H.264, vp6 mp4 over whatever protocol you require (typically rtmp/http/mms)
Server Platforms
For on demand streaming we utilise our FLV/MP4 hosting cluster, for live streaming we run Wowza Media Professional servers.
Load balanced and Clustering
We can offer scalable handling of traffic across multiple servers within our platform. Using traditional round robin DNS clusters or modern origin/edge server configurations, we can ensure that no matter how popular your stream becomes we can handle the load. Our clustering solutions are similar to those used by YouTube.
Low Latency
Our flash server platforms offer incredibly low latency connections. Depending on client network conditions your live stream can be as little as 1 second behind real time
Flash Video facilities:
- Live, low latency live flash conferencing.
- On demand flash streaming
- Native edge/origin server load balancing
- On2 VP6 codecs
- H.264 support
- Full screen flash video (Flash 9 player required)
- NEW** Native Support for HD video in FP9
- Server side recording of live flash client streams